Triangle Technology is proud to welcome
Shelly Koether back into the organization.
[Aug 2011]
Houston is ranked
first on Kiplinger's
list of the top 10 cities in which to live,
work and play.
[May 2008]
The real value of Information Systems will only be achieved if they serve the business and are designed to meet business objectives. Triangle's experienced business and information systems consultants can help you to ensure that the business needs of your organization are properly and wholly identified.
Triangle has an excellent track record in carrying out a wide range of business studies, including:
Business analysis
Undertaking high-level analysis of particular areas of the business to determine the major business processes and analyze the underlying information requirements to support that business area.
Feasibility studies
Qualifying the business need, identifying the most appropriate product or technical options to meet this need; and ensuring that the implementation of the chosen solution is feasible in terms of resources, time scales and finances.
Scoping (or enabling) studies
Carrying out a more detailed sizing exercise, either of a specific project, post-feasibility, or of part of the organization's IS/IT Strategy to set the scope and boundaries of the future project.
Business case development
Either as part of a feasibility study, or as a free-standing exercise, to establish the costs and benefits (tangible and intangible) of a proposed technical solution, in order to confirm that value for money will be achieved and to obtain financial approval to proceed.
Requirements analysis and specification
Working with and for the users, to ensure that their requirements are fully understood, analyzed and specified in an unambiguous written form so that it can be used as a solid basis for a procurement or development project. Example areas include accounting, financial management, document management, internet-related (e.g. content management), databases, information and knowledge management.
Contact us to find out how Triangle's senior business analysis coaches can help your company align its business needs with information systems solutions.